
Yoast is the company behind Yoast SEO, the #1 WordPress SEO plugin that can help you with your rankings. Our plugin handles a lot of the technical SEO stuff for you, with features such as our configuration wizard and a redirect manager. We also help you write great content with an SEO and readability analysis that recognizes lots of different languages. And last but not least, our Premium plugin also gives you access to all of our SEO academy courses that help you learn vital SEO skills!

Our variety of users range from the store around the corner to some of the most popular sites worldwide. We’re very happy with that, as our mission is SEO for everyone. That’s why we think our plugin can also help you with your SEO!

Yoast SEO:

  • Is the most downloaded SEO plugin (+ 11 million active downloads)
  • Helps you get more visitors from Google, Bing and social media
  • Handles the technical stuff and helps you create awesome content
  • Gives you access to all of our SEO academy courses

In addition to our Yoast SEO plugin, we have a few other plugins that can help you with your SEO. We also contribute to open-source projects and love attending and sponsoring events like this one! You can learn more about what we do on Yoast.com.